Remember a few months ago I said, in fact, I think I have probably said it more than once, “I’ve never set a goal I didn’t reach if I set it enough times”. Well, I think I finally made it with the automated program.
Relationship Coach
As most of you know, I have been a relationship coach for over 30 years and in that time, have been in contact with, and hopefully helped, somewhere between 12,000 and 15,000 couples, counting one on ones, workshops, talks, marriage prep etc. One of the lessons I have learned from the pandemic, is that the technology is available that allows me to reach couples beyond Windsor and Essex county. Our family, for example, initiated a weekly zoom call early in the pandemic which we continue to hold every Sunday with family members from Ottawa, Windsor, Cottam, Edmonton, soon to be Scotland, and Calgary. We could have done that before Covid but no one really thought of it.
My sister is doing the same connecting down in North Carolina with her family in California and Minnesota as is my brother in Kitchener with his family in Australia, the Yukon, BC and Kitchener. The reason for the automated program is to disseminate the information I share in person in the office to folks, anywhere, to help them create the relationship of their dreams.
The Tools
My business card states: The tools are available to have the relationship of your dreams. They are. I truly believe that. And it is not rocket science. As I like to say, if I can do it, so can you. The automated program is a 10 week program entitled – Unlocking the Combination to a Successful Relationship. I use the analogy of a combination lock. It is much easier to open a lock if you know the correct combination.
Automated Program Introduction
To introduce people to the automated program I have put together a free masterclass outlining the WHAT of creating a truly successful relationship. If couples feel they might need help with the HOW of doing that, at the end of the masterclass, I tell people about the automated relationship coaching program and they can sign up for the 10 week course which consists of 18 videos plus a workbook.
The cost of this program is $135. I linked it to the cost of a marriage license here in Ontario, which is also $135. The marriage license is a one day affair; hopefully the program will help couples over the next 10-20-30 or more years.
Please Share
For those of you watching my live Facebook or catching the Wednesday email, I will ask a favour. If you think this information might be helpful to people in your network please don’t hesitate to hit SHARE. I know how important relationships are – we all do. They not only affect our partner, but also our kids, our performance at work, our friends and our wider family. The link to the free masterclass is on my website John Sullivan Counselling. Please SHARE the information and then people can choose whether to participate or not.
I know therapy sometimes has a negative connotation – that there is something wrong with a person, which is why I prefer the term coach. Generally as a coach, there is nothing wrong with my players but sometimes what they are doing just isn’t working as well as they would like. I think the same is true of relationships. The advantage of the automated program is couples can follow it in the privacy of their own homes and at their own speed.
Improve Your Scores
Think of it like a golf clinic. The season is just starting and some of you might want to improve your scores. You watch and listen to what someone is teaching you and then you go practice. Really not much different. Go to my website John Sullivan Counselling and hit the tab Free Masterclass. Cheers and as always thanks for watching.