A good friend gave me the book Ten Times Happier How to Let Go of What’s Holding You Back by Owen O’Kane. The first chapter is titled Stop looking back, you’re not going that way. I thought it was brilliant. Retelling an Experience He begins by retelling an experience he had as a psychotherapist working […]
Stop Looking Back, You’re Not Going That Way
A good friend gave me the book Ten Times Happier How to Let Go of What’s Holding You Back by Owen O’Kane. The first chapter is titled Stop looking back, you’re not going that way. I thought it was brilliant. O’Kane’s Experience He begins by retelling an experience he had as a psychotherapist working with […]
Why coaching? Here is a perfect, but tragic, example where couples coaching is needed. A few weeks ago a fellow called asking about counselling. His wife had asked him numerous times to go to counselling. His macho (his words) response was: “I don’t need counselling, you go and get your s— together”. The day before […]