Join the Relationship Revolution! In the Afterword of their book Making Marriage Simple 10 Relationship Saving Truths, Harville and Helen throw in 5 more ‘truths’ as a bonus. Last week I looked at the first of these ‘truths’, Healthy Marriages are the Ultimate Upstream Prevention, an idea I have espoused for years. Today I want […]
Afterword The Relationship Revolution
“We wrote this book (Making Marriage Simple 10 Relationship Saving Truths) to share with you the culmination of our work so far. Our goal was to give you the most simple and effective ways to make your marriage great. We’ve offered you ten powerful truths to change your understanding about what makes relationship work […]
Your Marriage is the Best Life Insurance Plan
Harville begins this chapter on healthy marriage with: “From the start, Helen and I believed that a healthy marriage has far-ranging benefits, not just for individuals, but for society. But we didn’t have the facts to prove it. So we began collecting statistics. And we’re constantly finding new studies that confirm what we’ve intuited for […]