ising The SC Dialogue or Safe Conversation Dialogue has been used successfully in the office for over 40 years by 3,000 Imago Relationship Therapists in 61 countries. We know it works. Here is their vision for a wider use of the SC Dialogue: SC Dialogue “We believe that if SC Dialogue was embraced by 25 […]
Chapter 2 The Solution: How to Talk with Anyone about Anything
Today we explore Chapter 2: The Solution of How to Talk with Anyone about Anything. This is the newest book by Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt. If feeling disconnected is one part of the problem and objection to difference is the other, what is the solution? Seeing, listening, and valuing the other person is […]
Chapter 1: The Problem is a Disconnect
I think we could all agree that in many instances. the [problem in our society seems to be a disconnect. We are divided and/or polarized. The authors contend that “from our perspective, we see all of these conflicts and polarizations as symptoms, not the problem. These symptoms are indications that the basic human need to […]