I am a coach and as such, have always insisted my players focus on the basics. In football, if my linemen could block and tackle well, we would win games. In hockey, skating, passing, checking, and shooting were the four basic skills that allowed us to succeed. I believe the same is true of relationships. […]
Chapter 4: Restoring Connection
Chapter 3 challenged us to examine our human brain. To examine its complexity, its neuroplasticity, and its relational features suggested by quantum theory. The brain only develops in relationship. And as humans, obviously, the earliest relationships are with our caretakers. Chapter 4: Restoring Connection Restoring connection is crucial. Chapter 4 goes on to explore just […]
The Space Between: Quantum Field Theory
Let me say at the outset, that I won’t do justice to the complexities explored in this chapter on quantum physics and quantum field theory. It is above my pay grade. Although, I do know that more and more, as a coach, I urge couples to pay closer attention to The Space Between. The authors […]